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Step-by-Step Instructions for Reserving RCC


  • Get the teleconference bridge phone number and access code, if needed, for your event (conference call or webinar).
  • Reserve RCC at least 48 hours in advance (two business days).
    We will make our best effort to cover events requested with less than 2 business days’ notice, but that cannot be guaranteed. 


  • Within one business day, you receive an RCC confirmation email with the RCC event confirmation number and link.   

  • Save this RCC confirmation email.


  • Approximately 10 minutes prior to the event, the captioner will join the teleconference bridge and be ready to caption the event.
  • When you are ready to join your event, click on the link in your RCC confirmation email.
  • Begin reading the captions.
  • To speak directly to the other attendees during the event, join the teleconference bridge. Otherwise, use the “Message to Captioner” text box on the bottom of the RCC screen.